'The Dublin Hub' is a flexible, affordable, shared working environment for freelancers, small businesses, the self-employed, and home-workers looking for a desk, or a meeting space in town. Members book time in the Hub in advance - similar to buying mobile phone credit - they have the freedom to choose when to work and are charged solely for the time they spend in the Hub.

"We hope to attract inventive, innovative, socially committed, ethical and environmentally aware people, people who need to take their ideas out of the garden shed or away from the kitchen table, says Erik van Lennap of Tepui. We aim to provide a vibrant, dynamic, collaborative, exciting atmosphere, a place people will want to be in and be part of. We think this is an essential response to the challenges posed by changing work patterns in the new century." 

Due to current economic times, many very talented individuals have been laid off and many those people are not satisfied or fortunate enough to sit at home collecting an un-employement check. To that end, there is a magnitude of new start-up businesses that are looking to make their mark in their industry. The co-work space solution is an excellent opportunity to place your business in a vibrant setting with a potential to be a great networking environment.
Images provided by: csmonitor.com
Though the pay-as-you-go concept can be a budget saver for those who just started a business, it can lead to some disadvantages. Maybe the shared work space is not for everybody. I mean, some dudes prefer to be alone and/or be working in a work space where privacy is high, which I think the pay-as-you-go concept may fail at a certain extent since it promotes a collective space where one can expect diversions at any given time. But it's an innovative concept for me, and I was thinking about the feasibility of the model here in the Philippines.
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